The Law Office of Diane Albert is a solo practice law firm providing legal representation to clients throughout New Mexico and the United States. The Law Office of Diane Albert represents individuals and large and small businesses (both national and local) in the areas of patent prosecution, copyrights, state and federal trademark registration and prosecution, and development and protection of water technologies. I also offer initial consultations in bicycle-related matters, such as personal injury and tort cases.
At The Law Office of Diane Albert, I am dedicated to providing my clients with the personal attention, common-sense legal advice, and prompt and high-quality legal representation that they deserve at an affordable price. I am a registered patent attorney, am licensed to practice law in New Mexico, and have more than 20 years experience in Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering R&D. My legal services are available on a flat fee, contingency, or pro bono basis.
The Law Office of Diane Albert is located in Old Town, at 2108 Charlevoix St. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104. You can reach me by phone at 505/235-2277 or email me at diane@dianealbertlaw.com.